Our vibrant gathering space is located in the heart of Ucluelet BC and features outdoor dining, a sculpture garden, and a diversity of arts and adventurous travellers.
Outdoor Restaurant
Open seasonally, our upscale food truck is located on site, serving an amazing selection of fresh pacific oyster dishes to hungry travellers and locals on the move.
Landmark Attraction
Witness the entanglement of trickster and seductress: our public sculpture garden features the iconic Raven Lady and is a hub for community gathering.
Arts & Cultural Events
Artist studios, special projects, and live entertainment. Looking for a venue to showcase your creativity? Let us know, we’d love to hear from you.
Oyster Forte
For a culinary adventure with a twist, visit our state- of-the-art specialty food truck and enjoy the ambience and convenience of our outdoor garden. Every meal is artfully prepared and inspired by the incredible versatility and nutritional qualities of the fresh pacific oyster.
1801 Bay Street, Ucluelet BC

We're not camera shy! Check out our recent feature with the fine folks from Flavours of the West Coast on CHEK-TV. Also a reminder to everyone only days away from our…

Reflections on our anniversary and sending out a huge thank you to all who attended. When the genius and the artist meet in one man great things happen, to have…